Wi3biT Family Custom App acts as the mobile hub where schools and families meet.

In one easy-to-use app, families can access grades, calendars, announcements, and more. If your school uses Premier Integration, Wi3biT SIS, or Wi3biT Giving, the Wi3biT Family Custom App integrates with all three products, making it easier than ever for parents to access key information, make payments, and donate anytime, anywhere.

Family Custom App Webinar Sign Up

Explore our Family Custom App with a Wi3biT product expert.

Benefits for Administrators

  • Customized experience. Schools have full control over the app’s branding and overall look and feel and can add or remove features in real time.
  • School-branded design. Your school’s logo and name are put front and center on the App Store/Google Play Store, home screen, and more.
  • Wi3biT product integration. Accept donations through Wi3biT Giving and payments from Premier Integration or Wi3biT SIS – all through the app.
  • Communication with families. Create targeted lists for push notifications and calendars to keep everyone in the loop.
  • Post school videos. Videos through Vimeo and YouTube are viewable through the app.

Benefits for Families

  • Access to school info. Access everything from grades and homework to lunch menus and calendars.
  • Never miss an announcement. Receive push notifications and announcements from your school.
  • Make payments on the go. If your school uses Wi3biT billing solutions, you can make payments through the Wi3biT Family Custom App.
  • Simple and accessible. Easy to use and navigate throughout the app.

Contact Us Today

Whether you’re a school administrator, parent, or student, Wi3biT is here to answer your questions.